Leadership Coaching Sessions

In-Person or Virtual

Enhanced Collaboration

Effective collaboration between key stakeholders leads to enhanced business results and shared success for all.

  • Help your employees understand the key characteristics of other workstyles and how best to build collaborative relationships with them.

  • Learn the value of working side-by-side with your systems' frontline leaders and how that can enhance the business unit-level success and frontline team member engagement.

  • Understand the hallmarks of a collaborative leadership approach and how to implement them with your organization’s leaders, wherever they sit.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is the single biggest opportunity in organizations today. Find out why and how.

  • The five steps of effective verbal and written communication.

  • The importance of brevity for all channels of communication.

  • How organizational change success is directly tied to your leader’s ability to communicate through change.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is the one style crucial for navigating change in your organization.

  • Learn how to embrace change and inspire innovation through an effective change leadership process.

  • Develop strategies that enhance team motivation and engagement, increasing the likelihood of change success.

  • Build resilient and agile leaders who are required to steer the organization through these turbulent times.

Situational Leadership

Change your leadership approach to change your business results, a vital leadership style for enhancing workplace culture.

  • Learn to identify & lead through the four stages of team member ability.

  • Develop situational communication tactics that build collaborative relationships.

  • How situational leadership can help your organization navigate change and transformation.

Multi-Generational Leadership

Learn how to bridge generational gaps, enhance communication, and leverage diverse strengths for a cohesive, dynamic team.

  • Who is Gen Z, and what leadership style resonates with them?

  • Coaching leadership tactics that enhance performance at all levels, building your talent pipeline throughout the organization.

  • Appreciative leadership for an enhanced working culture across all generations.

Building a Culture of Accountability

Drive enhanced business results by creating a culture of sustained accountability at all levels of your organization.

  • Understand the key differences between individual, team, and leadership accountability.

  • Learn a four-stage process for delivering high-impact feedback that has coaching leadership at its core.

  • How to leverage inclusive goal setting to drive clarity around the communication and execution of those goals.